Recently (and long overdue) ASPECT, the biggest service provider for autism, has now teamed up with Vicky Little's organisation AS capable to now provide employment services for teenagers and young adults on the spectrum under the banner of ASPECT Capable. I spoke to Vicky Little yesterday to find more information about the direction of this section of ASPECT.
Currently Vicky is in the final stages of a project to publish "In Perspective Online Magazine" which "aims to demonstrate and share the unique talents, insights and brilliance of all individuals with ASD". The project involved getting adults with Autism to get together and submit articles and graphics/photos to form an interesting article that anyone can enjoy reading. This has helped everyone involved improving on talents such as photography, writing and organisational skills. Best of all the money made from the program will be distributed to the contributors.
Vicky is very passionate about raising awareness of the strengths and talents of people on the autism and is determined to make a difference to not only people on the spectrum but also the whole community as once they are reaching their full potential they are increasing their valuable contribution to their community, a win-win for everyone. She said more is in the pipeline for the future, and the first project is just the beginning.
As well as projects she also runs:
The mentoring, which I believe which will be the most relevant to most of the readers of this blog, is a strengths based approach that focuses on developing skills for employment for adults on the spectrum. It cam be provided face to face in Sydney or over Skype. The first consultation is free with subsequent 1 hour sessions charged at a rate of $60/hour. For more information about the services offered see the links above or you can e-mail Vicky at